welcome to travelling monyets

Nice to meet you!

Hi we’re Georgia and Jack, two travelling Monyets from Australia!

We started our blog after meeting backpackers all around the world filled with questions about travelling that they couldn’t get the answers to. Along with this we found that a lot of the information online was misleading and out of date. 

With a Passion for Travelling and helping other travellers on their adventures we’ve created Travelling Monyets. 

Our goal is to be the most useful Site for travellers on a budget looking for tips and resources on how to make their travels as easy and joyful as possible

About Jack

Hi, I’m Jack. One half of the Blog you’re currently reading. 

Ever since I turned 18 and ventured into my first solo trip overseas, I have been unable to shake the travel bug we all know very well. 

That first trip was the spark to the ever expanding world of travel and opened my eyes to much more than I thought I knew about this great world. 

Since that trip I’ve ventured further around the world including many amazing countries you can read right here on the blog, and of course touring my own home country, Australia, from top to bottom. With many more destinations and adventures to tick off my list, these travels don’t look to be ending anytime soon.

This passion for travelling gets fueled no more than my other 1/2 Georgia and together with Travelling Monyets we truly hope to assist in making your travels as easy as possible and are excited to have you join in on the journey. 

About Georgia

Hi my name is Georgia. I came from a beautiful town called Metung in Victoria, Australia. My love for travelling came from a very young age travelling around Australia with my family. 

The passion for travelling has only grown larger since moving out of my home town and working in some beautiful locations up and down the coast of Australia and around the world. 

I enjoy learning and emerging into new cultures and the lessons that come with it. Having the opportunity to share them with more people through travelling monyets makes me incredibly grateful.

I hope you have as much joy exploring Travelling Monyets as we’ve had creating and sharing our journey with you

